Category Archives: Monarch Butterflies

Do Monarch Caterpillars look exactly alike?

Do Monarch Caterpillars look exactly alike? So often I see Monarch raisers asking “Do Monarch Caterpillars look exactly alike?” So worried because one of their Cats (Caterpillars) is very white, or is darker than they others. Though all Monarch Caterpillars have the same white, yellow, and Black stripes their coloring or size of the stripes...

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Monarch Butterfly Hatching

Eclosing- Monarch Butterfly Hatching It’s time to learn about Monarch Butterfly Hatching!! FUN FACT: the proper name for your butterfly hatching is called Eclosing. One day or 24 hours before your Monarch Butterfly emerges your green Chrysalis will become clear or see through. You will be able to clearly see your future butterflies orange and...

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Stage 3: Monarch Chrysalis or Cocoon

Stage 3: Monarch Chrysalis or Cocoon It’s time to learn about Stage 3: Monarch Chrysalis or Cocoon!! Fun Fact: Butterflies form Chrysalis and moths from Cocoons! Now that your Monarch Caterpillar is fully grown and has eaten as much as they can. They will now climb to the top of the enclosure or somewhere they...

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What do Monarch Caterpillars eat?

What do Monarch Caterpillars eat? What do Monarch Caterpillars eat? Your learning all you can about Monarch’s and I am SOOOO freaking excited for you! Knowing all you can before you start raising these amazing creatures is so important!! ***** Disclaimer: I am not a scientist and in no way claim to be the knower...

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Stage 2: Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar

Stage 2: Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar It’s time to learn about Stage 2: Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar!! Your Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar has just emerged! The very first thing they do is eat their egg. This gives them the nutrients and proteins they need to begin this new stage. At this point they are extremely small. Less than...

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