I don’t feel pretty, but I got in the picture anyways.

I don’t feel pretty, but I got in the picture anyways.

I don’t feel pretty, but I got in the picture anyways… Let’s be honest ladies we have all felt like we weren’t pretty in this stage of life. Maybe you’re in college and you’ve gained a few pounds since you stoped playing sports. Maybe you are going through a stressful time and not taking care of your self like you should. Or maybe you’ve had a baby and your body just isn’t the same as before. We have all been there a time or two.

Why write this post today? In two weeks my little man will be one so today we have family pictures. While taking to our photographer and my good friend Courtney with Lemons Photography I mentioned that I just don’t feel pretty right now. I mean come on, my bras don’t fit my jeans don’t fit, shoot even my underwear now if I’m honest lol. With the stress of a close family member dying, some extended family issues, and body changes since my little man my body just doesn’t feel my own and I don’t like what I see. But I thought to myself ” get in the picture anyways”. I thought back to all the times I felt this way, cause if I’m honest it’s not just because I’ve had a baby, I felt this way before. But do I see that when I look at pictures of that time? No, I look happy. I look loved. And I for sure don’t look like how I felt I looked.

What he Sees

My son doesn’t see a Mama that’s tired, that’s sad, that feels over whelmed, that my stomach isn’t flat. What he sees is his everything, protector, maker of the best damn bottle he’s ever had, someone that sings to him, that does that silly dance when it’s time for “Bath time” (no seriously it’s pretty legendary), Someone who soothes his tears, and makes all the bad things go away. Someday he is going to want to see pictures of us together. Yes we have cell phone pictures together, but that’s not the same. Those are not quality, that’s not what he will want to show his kids someday.

So get in that picture Mama! Love this period of your life. Make those memories that will last with your babies. Someday YOU will be grateful for that picture you didn’t want to take!!!

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Warrenton Missouri Photographer | St Charles Missouri Photographer | Wentzville Missouri Photographer

Huge Shout out to my girl at Lemons Photography! Get you a professional that knows how to pose you, that knows how to make you look your best. Thank you for capturing what I couldn’t see in the mirror.

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