Stage 3: Monarch Chrysalis or Cocoon
It’s time to learn about Stage 3: Monarch Chrysalis or Cocoon!! Fun Fact: Butterflies form Chrysalis and moths from Cocoons!
Now that your Monarch Caterpillar is fully grown and has eaten as much as they can. They will now climb to the top of the enclosure or somewhere they view as safe and start to hang. Using silk will attach them self’s hanging head down from the cage in the famous “J” hang. Your Monarch Caterpillar will hang like this for up to 24 hrs.
Important. It is very important to not keep bothering or messing with the caterpillar in this stage. Even Constantly open the enclosure at this time can be too much stress. It will need all its energy to be able to form its Chrysalis. If is messed with too much, it will not have the energy to make it’s Chrysalis and will die.
Not long before your Caterpillar molts for the last time you will notice its antennae will be ragged rather than its normal ridged appearance. After this it’s not long before the change will begin! The making of the Chrysalis will take several hours, and is such a beautiful process!
Beautiful Chrysalis
Your beautiful hungry little Caterpillar is now a beautiful green Chrysalis with gold trim. If you are raising multiple cats in the same cage there is a good chance that your Chrysalis will get eaten by other cats. Be sure to check out our blog on how to safely move your Chrysalis.
Your Monarch Butterfly will be in the Chrysalis Stage for roughly eight to ten days. The day, or 24 hours, before your Monarch Butterfly emerges your green Chrysalis will become clear or see through. You will be able to clearly see your future butterflies orange and back wings!!!
In my experience butterflies typically emerge in the morning between 6am-9am. This happens fairly quickly. You will see a slight tear up the Chrysalis, the head will emerge first followed but the wings and the body.
***** Disclaimer: I am not a scientist and in no way claim to be the knower of all things Monarch. I am simply sharing the knowledge I have gained from hours and hours of research, and my own experience. I always encourage everyone to do their own research from multiple different resources*****
Be sure to check out all our Monarch Butterfly Blogs!!
Another Great Resource : Monarch Butterfly Garden
How knew!
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