Blue Crabs | Part 1- Fishing

Blue Crabs | Part 1- Fishing

I am so excited to my share my first experience fishing Blue Crabs in Punta Gorda, Florida! In February I went down to visit my mom and grandparents in Punta Gorda, Florida. While I was there I had the pleasure of going out Blue Crab fishing with a few guys from the park!

Bob (light blue shirt) was our hilarious skipper, and Wayne was our master of crabs!! Crab pots have a long string tied to it with a bobber on the end. When Bob would pull us up close to a bobber, Wayne would then use his hook to snag the line and grab the string. Once he had a hold of the string he could then pull the pot onto the boat.

Now that the pot is on the boat, Wayne can open the door and shake the crabs out. Man oh man can some of those sucker hang on tight!! Blue Crabs secured, the old bait is dumbed into the water and replaced with new fish heads and guts. YUMMY! Not really but the crabs sure do love it! Door closed and pot is them tossed back out.

What do I need to fish for Blue Crab?

All you need to begin your Blue Crab fishing adventure is a Salt Water Fishing License. Each license is then allowed up to 5 crab pots. While there are many different types of pots out there. Both Wayne and Bob agreed that the taller pots seem to gather more crabs than the thinner pots.

To learn more about the pots and regulations you can check out more information at Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer
 St Charles Travel Photographer | Adventure Photographer | Blue Crab Fishing | Punta Gorda Florida | Punta Gorda Florida Photographer | Fish and Wildlife Photographer | Blue Crab Photographer

I just want to say a huge thank you to both Bob and Wayne for taking me on a new adventure and being a good sport about me taking their pictures!! Be sure to turn back into to Rebecca Chapman Photography to see Blue Crabs | Part 2- Cleaning and Dinner!!

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