Towne Park Senior Session | Dawn

Towne Park Senior Session | Dawn

Here is Warrenton Senior, Dawn, Towne Park Senior Session!! Dawn’s session was  originally scheduled for a few days later, but when I found out how much she loved snow I just new we need to move her Towne Park Senior Session up a few days to be sure she had snow!!

Towne Park is always gorgeous, but with the snow everywhere it was breath taking!! While I’m not a huge fan of the snow, seeing how excited Dawn was totally made it worth it!! From the moment we stepped out of our vehicles she had the biggest smile on her face. Through I’m pretty positive Dawn’s smile aways lights up a room, seeing her face so excited for the snow that could light up a whole town!!

This Towne Park Senior Session was a little different than most of my Senior Sessions. I always joke with my clients that in Missouri you can have all the seasons in one week lol But never did I expect to get Fall Colors and Snow in one Senior Session!!

Thank you again for choosing Rebecca Chapman Photography to capture your Towne Park Senior Session!!!

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Towne Park Senior Session

Thank you again for choosing Rebecca Chapman Photography for your Warrenton High School Senior Session!


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